
You don’t know who to talk to.

Life is throwing a lot of curves… and you feel you are alone in making decisions that affect your future.

Each day is a struggle to get out of bed, head to work or school, come home, sleep, repeat.

“Is this all there is?”

Let me help you out of your struggles.

You have no time or desire for in-person therapy.

Many circumstances can inhibit your ability to visit a therapist’s office.

Time away from your job is limited to a few breaks, creating a situation where you must schedule in-person visits after a tiring day at work.

As the primary transport system for your family, driving children to and from school, going to work, and getting your kids to a never-ending number of after-school events leave little time for a calm visit to the therapist’s office.

You may have no desire to sit in a waiting room while people wonder why you are there. Alternatively, you would rather be at home than in an office setting – Period!

Now, there is a novel solution to your problem.

Teletherapy offers flexibility in terms of where and when you meet because it occurs online. You can visit with your therapist during your lunch break, in your bedroom, or anywhere else, including your car. The ‘Net offers so many possibilities.

Research has proven teletherapy to be, in most cases, as effective as in-person therapy.

Together, you and your therapist meet face to face online and have conversations in the same way as being in an office setting.

During these sessions, we provide a safe and secure platform for you to receive services in the comfort of your own home. Our telehealth platform is HIPPAA compliant, which means that it meets the safety standards required to keep your information private and confidential.

All you need are…

…a quiet and private space free from interruptions, a computer, laptop, iPad, or smartphone.

We provide access to the platform that we will use and directions on how to begin our sessions.

You also need the willingness to try this new format that eliminates any excuse for seeking therapy.

It’s time for YOU TIME!

Contact me today to begin our work online.